What is PhiLink?

PhiLink is a single link that you can use to reveal everything you’re sharing, everywhere you’re sharing it – all in one place. You can add this personalized URL to your bio on any social media platform, in your email signatures and anywhere your followers, visitors and customers might discover or interact with you.

What is PhiLink used for?

PhiLink is used to share multiple links in one – that way, people can access all your social media links in just one click. You can put it in your social media bios, email signatures, etc. and make it easy to connect people to your online identity.

Why do I need a PhiLink?

PhiLink gives you an opportunity to connect your audience to everything you are, everything you do and everything you care about. Not only that, but it makes this entire process so much easier. Your followers, visitors and customers will be able to find everything they are looking for in one place.

Is PhiLink safe to use on all of my social media profiles?

Yes, it’s absolutely safe and easy to use, so you can promote your work anywhere you like. Considering that we all work under the PhiAcademy brand, users will feel confident to click on the link that contains Phi in it.

How can I drive more traffic to and through my PhiLink?

You can drive more traffic by sharing your PhiLink on all social networks, placing the PhiLink in your email signature and on all other methods of online communication. By using analytics on PhiLink, you can see views and clicks of your visitors on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis for each link separately. Also, based on PhiLink analytics, you can see what interests your audience the most, and adjust the content accordingly. For example, you can increase traffic by paying for sponsored ads.

How many links should I have on my PhiLink?

We recommend having 3-7 links on your PhiLink account at once. Including too many options for your visitors slows down their course of action.

Do I need a website to use a PhiLink?

No, you don’t. PhiLink can act as your own mini website. If you already have a website, you can add it to your PhiLink.